I won the Microgrant for Palestinian Writers from Sundress!

What’s wild is in January, I had zero poetry awards, and by the end of February, I had two. I’m honored and grateful to announce that I’m the winner of the Microgrant for Palestinian Writers from Sundress!

I’m really surprised I got it because it was open nationally for Palestinian writers, and I know a lot of massively talented folks who applied. I’m humbled and thrilled—the award comes with some money and a residency at the Sundress Academy for the Arts, a working farm in Knoxville, Tennessee. I’ve never done a formal writing residency before (I don’t know if renting an Airbnb for a weekend in the woods and holing myself up to write counts?), but I’ve been wanting to for a while. I think it’ll be the perfect place to finish my poetry manuscript or officially start on the novel I’ve been outlining.

Thank you, Sundress! Thank you, readers! I can’t wait to share more soon.