Two new poems in two print magazines!

As any writer will tell you, seeing your name in print never gets old. There’s just a rush you get from seeing your name in typeface on paper, whether that’s in a book, magazine, or newspaper.

The only downside is when the thing you wrote isn’t also online. 😅

I’ve got two new poems in print publications (with digital editions), so if you’re looking for new zines and lit mags to curl up with this winter, check these out!

My experimental poem “resting bitch face,” about predatory dudes in the skate community that doubles as an ode to McKayla Maroney, is published in the zine Strange Times.

And my poem “marriage, as peaches rot on the counter,” which definitely foreshadowed me realizing I needed to get divorced, was published in Heathentide Orphans/Nonbinary Review/Zoetic Press.

I’d love it if you’d give them a read!